Cooper Consumer Health BV located at Verrijn Stuartweg 60, 1112 AX Diemen, The Netherlands, (hereinafter referred to as: “the Company”) is committed to protecting your privacy.
Your personal data will at all times be treated in accordance with applicable data protection legislation (including the European General Data Protection Regulation). This privacy and cookie policy (hereinafter referred to as: “the Policy”) provides information about how the Company handles your data that you provide via this website.
This Policy applies to the use of this website.
This Policy may be changed at any time without notice. You are therefore responsible for regularly reviewing this Policy.
The Company, the data controller, is responsible for the processing of your personal data. The Company may collect and process the following personal data from you:
The Company and the entities with which the Company shares your personal data may only use this personal data for the following purposes:
In addition, the Company may use anonymized data, among other things, to improve this website.
The Company uses your personal data on the basis of its legitimate interests to communicate with you, promote its products and services and improve its offerings.
The Company has balanced your interests, rights and freedoms against the legitimate interests of the Company and considers that the processing of your personal data, given the level of transparency offered and the rights you have in relation to your personal data, does not materially affect your interests, rights and freedoms.
The Company may provide your personal data to group companies of the Company. In addition, the Company may provide your personal data to third parties only in the following cases:
The Company may share the personal data you provide with third parties who may be located outside the European Economic Area (EEA).
Where your personal data is transferred to third parties located outside the EEA, the Company is committed to taking appropriate steps to ensure that your personal data remains protected and secure when transferred outside the EEA, in accordance with applicable legislation data protection.
Tenzij anders aan u gemeld, vinden eventuele doorgiften van uw persoonsgegevens naar derden buiten de EER plaats op basis van een adequaatheidsbesluit of op basis van standaardcontractbepalingen van de EU (een exemplaar hiervan kan worden opgevraagd via de hierna vermelde contactgegevens).
De Vennootschap zal uw persoonsgegevensalleen verzamelen en verwerken indien dit relevant is voor, en in verhouding staat tot, de doeleinden waarvoor deze worden verzameld.
De Vennootschap stelt op basis van de volgende bewaarcriteria vast hoelang uw persoonsgegevens worden bewaard:
U heeft het recht(behoudens de voorwaarden en uitzonderingen in toepasselijke wetgeving inzake gegevensbescherming)om:
Hiertoekuntucontactmet de Vennootschap opnemen, meer in het bijzonder met de afdeling juridische zaken van de Vennootschap, door een e-mail te sturen naar De afdeling juridische zaken neemt uw verzoek in behandeling, beoordeelt dit verzoek en onderhoudt contact met u.
Indien u de optie wordt geboden uw persoonsgegevens met ons te delen, kunt u er altijd voor kiezen dit niet te doen. Indien u bezwaar maakt tegen de verwerking van uw persoonsgegevens, zal de Vennootschap overeenkomstig haar wettelijke verplichtingen die keuze respecteren. Als gevolg hiervan kan de Vennootschap mogelijk niet de handelingen uitvoeren die nodig zijn voor de verwerkingsdoeleinden zoals genoemd in paragraaf 3 ‘Doeleinden voor verwerking van persoonsgegevens’.
De Vennootschapzet zich ervoor inallepassende technische enorganisatorische maatregelentenemen om uw persoonsgegevenste beschermen tegen onbedoelde ofongeoorloofde vernietiging, onbedoeldverliesen tegenwijzigingen, toegang en iedere anderevorm van ongeoorloofde verwerking van persoonsgegevens.
To enable navigation on the website and optimize technical management, the Company may use cookies and other services to analyze traffic on this website.
A cookie is a small information file that is stored on your computer by a website. This cookie can be retrieved during a subsequent visit to the same website. The cookie can only be read by the website that created it and not by other websites. Most cookies are only valid for the duration of a session or visit. They do not contain any information allowing you to be contacted by telephone, email or post. Most browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. However, you can set your browser to receive a notification when a cookie is placed or to prevent its placement.
The Company may place one or more of the following types of cookies:
By using this website you give the Company standard permission to place cookies on your computer. If you do not want this website to place cookies on your computer, you have the option to block cookies (for example by changing your browser settings to refuse all cookies) and/or delete the cookies that have already been placed on your computer.
Please note that some functionalities on this website may no longer be available if you disable cookies.
If any part of this Policy is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining part of this Policy will not be affected and such remaining part will remain in full force and effect as if the invalid part of this Policy were deleted.
For requests or questions to the Company regarding this website and/or this Policy, please send an email to .
This website, its content and the Policy are governed by Dutch law and any related disputes fall under the jurisdiction of the courts of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.